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Saturday, January 22, 2005 @2:07 PM

Scorpios are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the zodiac. Even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under the placid exterior. In conventional social gatherings they are pleasant to be with, thoughtful in conversation, dignified, and reserveD. Astrology scorpio sign journey bringing people together! Share what you know, learn what you don't! In their everyday behavior they give the appearance of being withdrawn from the center of activity, yet those who know them will recognize the watchfulness that is part of their character. They need great self-discipline, because they are able to recognize the qualities in themselves that make them different from other humans, and to know their utterly conventional natures can be used for great good, or great evil. Their sensitivity, together with a propensity for extreme likes and dislikes make them easily hurt, quick to detect insult or injury to themselves (often when none is intended) and easily aroused to ferocious anger. They do, however, make excellent friends, provided that their companions do nothing to impugn the honor of which Scorpios are very jealous. They are deeply sensitive souls who are too perceptive for their own good. Most folk are prepared to live in a world that's fuzzy round the edges. Scorpios need things to be clear-cut. .....
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i NeED tO Do SoMe SoUL SeARcHiNg i GuEss^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
iT CouLD bE tRUe MaYbE nOt.... i'm GoIng BoNkeRS WiTh The ThiNgs ArOuND mE.... I A ViCTiM oF cIrCUmStAnCeS. =T

<3 ing every page of my imagination

Monday, January 17, 2005 @11:28 AM

ItS mONdAy bLuEs aGaIn , wAS aT mA gRaNDmA'S pLAcE wHoLE WeeKeNd..On FrIdAy fiFiE ActUaLLy CoNfIdE tO mE i waS kIndA sHoCkEd I mEaN shE'S aLwAyS kEepIng EvERyTHiNg To HeRSeLf..i TooK bAcK aLL tHe thInGS i'vE saId AbOut heR eARLiEr..EvERYoNe DoEs HaVe TheIr + aNd MinUs ..tHe ThInG thAt PuZZlEd Me Is ThaT Y DaYAh Is ChAnGInG tOwARds hER??? mIghT bE sHe CaNt stAnD hER aNyOMrE Or THerE a bIg FiREbAll aMoNG Us? i wAS cLuELeSS wHeN fIfiEaCtuAllY cRIeD i DiDnT kNOw WhAt tO dO...LOL iM Not qUitE a gOOd cOnSOLeR NeVerTHelESS mAde hER fEEl BeTtER.. I hOPe So... = 0 ..oN saT iT wAS My aBg SeDArA eNgAgEmEnT... i DiDnT wAn To Go AcTUaLLy AnD sEe aLL mY iDiOtIc ReLaTivES... KinDa PissEd... I WenT thERe fOrTUnAtELy ThEY hAd MaDe THeIr WaY tO tHE GuRl'S HOUz..cANt U bElIeVE iT i esCapE EvERyOnE WhIH wAS QuItE iMPoSSiBLe I tHInk In THe BeGGiNIng...wHaT tHE hEck aLL i cARe Is I DIdNt See thEiR bLooDy Up fAceS...PhEw!!! I miZ mY mUm AnD dAd big TiMe,Im SuCh A BaBy RiTe A GIgAnTiC oNe..LOL.... aFtER ThaT i BeGaN tO pOnDEr wHeN WiLL iT bE mA tUrn LoL..aS iF iM gOiNG tO gE MaRriEd..i KeeP oN thInkINg THaT Im Not GoNNa GeT mArrIEd..bUT tHE wHoLE pOInt Is..iS THeRE aNyOne WhO wOulD wAnnA hAvE mE ... Or Am I bEiNg tOO eMo ..iTs NOt ThaT i WaNNa GeT mArRIeD sOon oR wAT...??? ArRGGhH wHaT thE hEll Am I blAbbEriNg AbOut...nONseNsiCaL MaN...I HAtE mAseLf..i HaTe BeIng Me.......!!!! tHiNKiNG aBoUt THiS JusT MaKeS mE FEel LiKE BreAkINg DoWn...

<3 ing every page of my imagination

Thursday, January 13, 2005 @12:24 PM

***A friend is like a flower, a rose to be exact. Or perhaps like a brand new gate, that never comes unlatched. A friend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise. Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost, whose spirit never dies.A friend is like a heart, that goes strond until the end. Where would we be, if we didn't have a friend? ***

hA Ha iM sOrEd In ThiS fREaKiNG wOrCeLL...Im BoRed oF my daMn SiStER,Im BoRed bOreD BoReD tO THe CoRe!!!!

<3 ing every page of my imagination

Thursday, January 06, 2005 @6:35 AM

..WhAt a DaY...!! SuPrIsInGLt ToDaY I wOkE Up eaRlY To Go To sCHooL EarLy..iMAgInE thAt...aKu SeLaLu KeNe lAbEllEd lAtEcoMeR BoLeH bAnGuN cEpAt...i gUeSS My NeW yEaR rESolUtIon tErcApAi JuGAk...i SuPpoZ To ClOcK At 9 BuT i wENt OuTta hOuZ At 8.15... wHeN I rEaCh The BuS sToP,8 JuST LeFt...Oh grEaT !!! tHeN w/o rEAlIsInG i WaIteD thE bUs Nak dEkAt 20 MiNs...tHe BlOOdY 8 wAs So PACkEd...jAlAn TeRoS JeK,MeNyIrAp dAraH AKu...KeLuAr SiAnG pOn TaK GUnA,AcTuAllY AdeR SAtU lEctUrEr oFFeRed mE tO tAkE A cAB wItH hIm BuT i waS fEelIng uNeAsY...bOdOhLaH aKu nAiK jEk LaH eH...F.O.C lAgIk...i rEAcHeD 9 oN tHe DoT...pHeW!! aS uSuAL WeNt To woRkCeLL,So BoRiNg..i anD hOnEySaH GaDoH wItH ShUlI aKa sTiNkiNg BoMb LoL..U GUyS rEadInG mUsT bE sAyIng " I'M sO mEaN"..WeLL ShE'S mEaNeR tAk KaSi We UsE The CoMP..EvErYdAy THe SaMe BlOOdY pRoBlEm...sIcK aNd TiReD oF iT... Saw jAjA sHe CaMe To Ma WoRkCeLl,,,mE aNd My BiG gAp bLuRp OuT tO hER thAt I wEnT fAr EasT wHeN i acTuALLy ToLd hER i CaNcELLeD iT...I'M sOrrY jAjA...I jUSt CoUlDn't HiDe ThInGs FrOm U...lol ...BuT i KnoW mY jAjA VerY NICE...WeLL thE dAy EnDs....iTs BaCk tO tHe SaMe OlD rOuTInE tHE NeXT DAy...bUUeeCCkkZZZ =p

<3 ing every page of my imagination

Monday, January 03, 2005 @9:36 PM

WhAta dAy I ShUlD sAy...!!! FiRsTlY At SchOol i AnD hOnEySaH GoT aNoTHeR hArDiSk ..yIpEe..nOw we gOtTA A CoMp To OuR oWn..nO mOrE fIgHtiNg oVeR tHat ShUli..I JuST dUnnOe HoW To DeScRiBe sO iRriTaTiNg aNd AnnOyInG =P aT wOrCeLl As pEr NoRMaL..Me AnD hOnEySaH adAlA ToT NaK BuAt ExERcIsEs SeKaLi EnD Up waTcHiNg vIdEoS On TsUnAmI LOL mY CoNdoLoNcES tO thE aFFectEd fAmIliEs..It Was rEAllY sAD It TeAChEs Us THaT aNyTHiNG cAn HaPPeN AnYtImE AnYwHeRe =(...RiTe AfTeR sCHoOL wEnT tO mEet Ma siS At siMEi CoS wE wANtEd To bOrROw ThE vCD hArrY PoTTeR 3..eVeRThInG wEnT wELL SamPaI bAlIk TiMe..u NoE I GaDoH wItH mY sIs bEcoS oF nAsi aYaM NeVeR mAkE sEnSe KaN..ThEn mElErET SAmPaI MY sIs sAy I tReAt mA fRenZ bETTeR thAn hEr..AlAmAk So EMO!!!!!!!!!!! tAk LeH AnGkAt..i THiNK sHe PMS la...hAd A SlOw TaLk WiTh hEr..nAsIb BaIk DaH oK kAlAu TiDak KeNe LaYaNKaN kErENaH sENsItIve.....eeeee ...AaRrGGhH..GeRAm AkU...i GUeSS ThaTs a WrAp Up..!

<3 ing every page of my imagination


a legal aged femme fatale.
i heart all stuffs pink,green,orange,purple eh all of the colours la!
i`m a girly girl (:
i dig everything retro & vintagey.
reach me: oweenz@hotmail.com

"Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways."


Huda aka Jaja
Salwa aka Monyet


December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
May 2005
January 2006
April 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
January 2007
April 2007



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